

Addicted to Design

Post-It Animation

Came across this amazing motion animation done with Post-It notes alone. This project called Deadline is the work of Bang-​yao Liu, stu­dent at Savan­nah Col­lege of Art and Design. More than 6,000 Post-​It notes in all kinds of dif­fer­ent colors were used to pro­duce a life-​size pixel ani­ma­tion on the wall. The inspiration for this project?

Where my idea comes from is that every time when I am busy, I feel that I am not fighting with my works, I am fighting with those post-it notes and deadline.

For those of you really keen on knowing how this superb work was done, Bang-​yao Liu has posted a making of video too which explains just how much effort it took to achieve these results. The project took over 3 months of planning and was shot over 4 days.The patterns and graphics were originally created in Adobe Illustrator and then imported in Flash where the pre-animation was done. This was then simulated with Animatics to ensure interaction with live actor.

During filming the animatics were projected on to the wall to paste the Post-It’s at exact positions and then while shooting the image the projector was covered. This proces was repeated again and again and again till this super awesome video resulted!

(via The Font Feed)

Filed under: Design, Graphic Design, Typography, , , , , ,